World in Decline

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It is hard to admit that our society is on a decline. There is so much goodness in this world but depravity is working hard to influence a takeover of the good.

Our hearts go out to those peaceful people of Ukraine. They are victims of a Putin invasion with families scurrying to survive the Russian bombs outside of their homes. Friends and families have been separated from each other as crying children cling to adults for safety. Families are being torn apart and the pain is immeasurable. The acts of a vile man and the destruction caused by greed and power which is pure evil.

In this country, we cry for Democracy as US states vote in fascist laws and implement restrictions like in the era of Hitler. Today, the invasion of Ukraine is being compared to that of Nazi Germany. We watch as this unfolds and wonder what is around the corner for us, the USA. We wonder if this is our fate because today we hear Trump is being referred to as a Russian agent and investigations into the Trump Administration’s actions seem to drag on with no resolve. In the meantime, we are left with broken laws, broken spirits, and a breaking Democracy. We think, but hope not, that this is a recipe for a second civil war.

Humans have worked and struggled for thousands of years to grow from the depths of a primitive society. We discovered fire, built villages, learned to live together, created towns and a culture. We cultivated food, found love, created families, and left behind what we thought would benefit the next generation. The task of growing personally and politically has not been an easy journey for humankind. Humans can be an angry sort and the start of so many wars proves this to be true. Destroying indigenous civilizations, enslaving Black people, religious persecution, and brothers killing brothers over differing beliefs is the history of America. Humankind has had to endure a relentless cold war, an uncivil war, war after war, and we continue to struggle.

As a nation, we no longer seem to embellish what good we have. Humans crave more and more and, in doing so, have become less and less virtuous as individuals. We remain a fragmented society with less decency and less respect as we become less civilized. As society slips and slides backwards, we wonder if we are experiencing the decline of humankind at a rapid pace. If so, please someone put on the breaks!

This blog is dedicated to those peaceful people of Ukraine who are today fighting for their lives and a life of Democracy.

“Optimism doesn’t mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation. It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise.” – Dalai Lama

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