Winter Solstice – December 21, 2020

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The winter solstice is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight. It is the shortest day and longest night and begins the astronomical winter and is the start of longer days and shorter nights as spring approaches.

As we come out of the darkness and lean into 2021, this marks a time to move forward. We may forgive but not forget the damage this current Administration has done to our Democracy. Now, it is time to focus on what matters and revisit what our American values really are. The American values are not that of ruling by coercion, leaders asking to be worshipped, forced fidelity, cult recruitment at rallies, and a “them vs. us” mentality. Our values are not those of instilling fear and paranoia and separating us as a nation. A leader cannot be successful unless this country, or at least most of it, comes together. There is a big job ahead for the Biden Administration as there is for each of us. Let us look back in order to learn from our experiences and not become stuck in them.

Sow Peace and Kindness as the days get longer and brighter.

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”

John Steinbeck

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