Who Are Those People?

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Who are those “Americans” who praise a single party authoritarian regime? Who are those people who are unadulterated evil and whose desire could drain our country of our Democracy?

They are operatives and spies and are despicable people who are involved in espionage right under our noses. People who are so small that they must hold all the wealth and political power they can. They move in clumps, never seen alone, and they work in packs like wolves, spouting the same rhetoric while condemning men and women who do not think or look like them.

By their actions, it is impossible to tell them apart. They are nihilistic people who preach moral principles but at the same time reject them. Destructive and rebellious, they are the anarchical far right, are lawless, and out of control. Without political power their lives are meaningless. They are an ex-President, current representatives at all levels of government from hospital and school boards to Congress. They are our neighbors but, most likely, not our friends.

They steal top secrets, highly classified truths, our Democracy, and sometimes our hope. They are lawbreakers resistant to the facts, indistinguishable, and paltry people who mirror each other and see themselves as Top Guns. They believe everything belongs to them.

Although they are the minority of our population, about 30%, their actions alone have put a blemish on our country. They consider the FBI the Gestapo and one individual needs a “special master” to save him. Another is accused of sex trafficking; another threatens to put FBI agents in body bags. One wants to destroy Muslims and another wants people of color and minorities to be viewed as possessions. Some are QAnon whack jobs. Yet another is determined to make Florida a “one State – one Party” Cuba North.

You can guess who those individuals are. They lie and cheat and will deny it all. They do not need individual names for they are all the same, mirror images of each other connected by lies and ruin, and project the same pomposity. What they do not represent is Democracy. They do not represent freedom or our country as we knew it. Yes, as we knew it!

This country has changed and they are changing it. What awaits us now is how we will handle their wretched crusade. As the narcissists parade themselves and their turncoat ideas, let’s be reminded that death threats and distortion of the truth is not Democracy. These renegades are not our leaders and never will be. They are deserters and a nemesis to our Constitution.

It is time to get ready to vote up and down the ballot and make some serious decisions in choosing those who hold office. For we are responsible for the future of our Democracy. Wherever you can, whatever influence you may have, please reach out and invite and inspire people to vote and to vote for the freedoms that this country was, by all accounts, built on. November 8th is closer than you think and so is 2024. Twenty-two nations have compulsory voting laws. Unfortunately, the US is not one of them.

This week’s good news – Sarah Palin reigns no more as Alaska goes Blue thanks to Mary Peltola, the first Alaskan Native in Congress! Let’s keep up the good work.

This week’s example of right-wing political injustice  

Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to use $12 million to pay to move immigrants, dropped off in Florida from the US -Mexico border, out of the State. The $12 million comes from interest earnings from Florida’s $8.8 billon portion of the American Rescue Plan’s Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund. And to top this off, DeSantis plans to use this money to bus and drop off these immigrants in Joe Biden’s home State of Delaware. This represents pure hatred and bigotry towards immigrants and utter disrespect towards our current Administration.

    If you think that we are not at war in this country, think twice.

    It is a war that we are going to lose if we do not step up.


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