White House Held Hostage

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Only a sliver of the population of these United States believes that Trump has won the election. Despite the numbers, they hold on. Imagine the uproar if Hillary had done this! Joe Biden and the American people now find themselves in somewhat of a hostage situation with Trump as he refuses to accept the results of the election and transition from the White House. We anticipated that this would happen so now the NCIS: White House edition begins. Hostage negotiations will continue with Trump who will probably eternally remain the victim of the most secure voting system in the world. Clearly, Biden-Harris have won the popular vote and the Electoral College and there is no evidence of election fraud. Amen.

As Trump holds up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue brooding, we ask how long can he hold out without heading to Florida to play golf?  Normally when one loses a card game, they do not turn over the table in anger unless they are in a gangster movie. If you are a bully, you steal the ball from the little kids, you make them cry and run home to their mommies. The difference here is that Joe Biden is not a gangster or a little kid. President-Elect Biden has been in elected office for forty some years. In those many years, he has learned to be patient and respects the value of negotiating. Trump, on the other hand, has a lot to lose. A self-proclaimed victim of the election, he is deeply in debt. He owes money to the IRS and to other countries which can make him a counterintelligence threat. Also, the thought that his debt can be sold to another entity potentially makes him an additional security risk. This is all worth being concerned about and is unprecedented in this country.

Underneath it all, as we have learned, is that Trump fears rejection and craves drama. We believe Trump will continue to mope while directing the drama until one day soon he walks away stating unsympathetically, “I never wanted the job anyway, I have much bigger things to do, huge things to do. Much bigger than this! Huge things!”  In his wake, he will leave behind a trail of some 600 separated immigrant children, over 255,000 unmentioned Covid deaths, a negative impact on the global climate, social justice, and American democracy. This is what matters!

Trump may choose to pout, walk away and not look back, or to steal the ball so no one else can play. Trump alone will choose how he moves on, whether to act like a man or a spoiled child.  He alone will choose to put the country before himself or himself before the country. He alone will show us who he really is. The reality is that the victim, Trump, will soon be in our rearview mirrors. What we, the American people, deserve in the next 60 days is a President who values our votes, accepts that we have spoken, and concedes honorably like every American President has to date. If not, the real victims here will be the American people.  

“Beware the person who stabs you and then tells the world they’re the one who’s bleeding.”

Jill Blakeway

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