Welcome to the Not So Sunny State

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I know you must be tired of hearing about Florida but please indulge us one more time. It keeps coming in Florida, like a sewer pipe of political and legislative garbage. It’s being called the State of Ron DeFascist, Adolph DeSantis, mini-Russia, mixed with a Heil DeSantis tone, and a pledge to follow.

Oh, Florida, the Sunshine State ain’t so sunny for some these days. Florida, the Sunshine State, where recent legislation has called for the disbanding of the Democratic Party. Yes, disbanding the Party and forcing Dems to move into a No Party Affiliation status.

If that isn’t scary enough, Florida Senate Bill 254, introduced last Friday, would grant the courts emergency custody of children who receive gender-affirming care. The proposed bill would allow the State emergency jurisdiction over children who “receive or are at risk of receiving gender-affirming care – or if their parents receives it themselves.” Yes, this means removal of children from their homes! 

There is more! Last month, DeSantis requested public entities, including hospitals and universities, to provide a breakdown of the medical data of patients who received gender-affirming care at their institutions. Stack this onto the “Don’t Say Gay” bill which limits how teachers may instruct about sexual orientation and gender identity. He is also working to take control over all county and state decisions and cancel minority history as if it did not even exist. Christian Nationalism at its best which is akin to a dangerous political-religious cocktail that seeks to merge Christian and American identities.

Adding to the crazy state of affairs – this past week the Florida legislation has before it Bill #1316 that would force bloggers who write against the Governor, his Cabinet, or any elected official in Florida, to register their names with the State. If not, they will be fined for each “offense.”

Thus, we are proposing a new Welcome billboard sign for Florida.

Welcome to Florida 

Women     – Stay barefoot and pregnant

Gays       – Stay in the closet

Minorities  – Stay in your place 

Trans       – Turn around and don’t look back

Remember that DeSantis is running for President of our United States. Coming your way soon on his political train, beware and remember what he has done for Florida. Florida, now the land of paranoia, discrimination, and book bans. It’s not your grandparents’ beachy State anymore nor God’s Waiting Room.  

See you next week, until we start getting fined!

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