Until The Paperwork Is Done…

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Okay, we think that it is time that we all check our closets, file cabinets, attics, basements, and garages. If you have lived anywhere near Washington, DC, or where Presidents or VP’s may have vacationed, or if you live anywhere in the US, you need to be on the alert. You, too, may be holding secret or confidential documents in your possession. And you, too, could be the subject of investigation by the Justice Department, FBI, or the National Archives.

We know that you have paperwork in your drawers that has not been touched in years. Do they relate back to the Clinton or Bush years? Only you would know. Is that receipt from the dry cleaner from 1986 confidential? Who signed it and where are they now? Did the young boy that pumped your gas in the 90’s become a White House Page? Did the kid that checked you out at the Safeway, Giant, or Hannaford go to law school and is now a Senator? Did he share with you any confidential secrets like the best place to park when shopping? Was he a squeal? Where is he now!

As the Senate this week took on the supposedly important issue of whether recent tickets to a Taylor Swift concert is actually a Ticketmastergate incident, we wonder where things in Congress are going. Will they next convene to take on the M&M culture war on its controversial changes of colors and shoes in their candy ads and packaging? While the 82-year-old cultural icon, M&M, states that it is “on a mission to use the power of fun to create purposeful connections as we work to create a world where everyone feels they belong,” Fox News is calling it “woke.” Here we go again!

In the meantime, we think we will just hold on to our hats and watch the political show. After all, it is going to take us a while to go through all of our old paperwork anyway – confidential or not, and a new pack of colorful peanut M&M’s as well!

No job is finished until the paperwork is done or until the candy melts in your mouth, not in your hand!

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