Trump’s Near Miss

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Like an asteroid that almost hit the earth, the cup of coffee you almost dropped, or the vase you almost knocked off the shelf, Trump is a near miss. Scary at the moment as the vase wobbles and teeters, you can almost see it fall. But with your efforts, it rights itself.

We have seen firsthand how Democracy can teeter and are now witnessing the impact of our efforts to help it right itself. Trump remains the near miss, a failed coup d’état. Screaming as he is pushed out the door, a sore loser, forever lying to save his skin. He rages on as apparently even the dead were against him, voting from the grave, from heaven and hell. Paranoia sets in as his coup fails. A night of the living dead for Trump. Finally, a game he has lost that his lies cannot reclaim.

Game Over!

January 20, 2021

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