Tough as Nails

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From home grown election deniers to politicians on the election trail, we now see how some cornered want-to-be candidates act. For instance, Michigan’s GOP John Gibbs. John Gibbs, supported by the ex-President, founded a “think tank” called the Society for the Critique of Feminism where he argued that the country would be better off if women could not govern or vote. He stated that “this is the best model for the continued success of a society.” And, he asserted that women are not as capable as men at thinking logically “without relying upon emotional reasoning.”

As Gibbs goes on to proclaim, “It is clear that the female species were the ones selected by nature to rear children.” He uses the bible to tear men and women apart and stated that every other command for living by the Bible is based on the condition of man. In his words, “due to the nature of women – women do not possess the characteristics necessary to govern, and since women have a more important task to do, which is to prepare the next generation, they are commanded not to rule.”

To go on, he states, “The Bible clearly articulates that women should not teach or maintain positions of power.” And even more sickening, “The US has suffered as a result of women’s suffrage.”

Well, there you have it! Those are some of the GOP plans for saving America. Let’s get rid of the strong women. Keep ‘em barefoot and pregnant. We can hardly read this without getting green around the gills. And, sick for women and sick for our country.

As the Jan 6th Committee returned to their hearings this week, new pictures of the Capitol under siege emerged. The video of Nancy Pelosi and her colleagues, taken by her film maker daughter, revealed Pelosi’s calm and focused leadership during the hours of the Insurrection. As Pelosi called on the DC Mayor and the Maryland and Virginia leadership to step in to quell the vicious mob, Trump selfishly enjoyed watching his plan unfold. Pelosi’s role throughout the crisis remained to honor and protect those in Congress and the Constitution. At the same time, in the peace and calm of the White House that he claimed was still his, Trump tweeted his brutal followers in support as they mirrored his wishes. He enjoyed watching the show as his self-importance grew while others fought off the crowd or sat in horror inside the Capitol – all fearing for their lives and some losing theirs.

No matter if the individual is a man or a tough as nails woman, we see leadership’s role as that of bringing sides together not tearing them apart. Strong and fair leadership practices and teaches civility and does not celebrate greed, egotism, and conceit. To this day, we maintain the expectation of civility in our government. But we must ask, as the population grows does inciting of violence and self-interest grow along with it?

Will it take Mother Nature to teach us to get it together? Maybe an alien invasion or an asteroid heading our way? We would hate to think that it would go so far as science fiction could imagine. In the meantime, here’s to strong, tough as nails women who make things happen and the men who support them!

Vote as if your life depends on it…for it does!

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