Then and Now

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As we sometimes do, we recently had the TV on in the background as we went about doing other things at home. The show that was playing was The Waltons. As most know, this is the story of a multigenerational family that lived in rural Virginia in the 1930’s and 40’s. As per usual, the eldest son John Boy, read the introduction to the episode. And, for some reason, it garnered our attention so much that we stopped what we were doing to listen.

John Boy read on, “In the late spring of 1940 our world on Waltons Mountain was very quiet and uneasy. For the first time ever, people stopped work in the daytime to turn on the radio. The war in Europe had seemed to be hibernating until, suddenly, on the 10th of May the Germans invaded Belgium and the Netherlands and Luxembourg. By the 10th of June, they had enslaved all three and driven the British and French forces into the sea and were marching into Paris. To all purposes, the free world in Europe now consisted only of the British Isles. And just as suddenly, at least it seemed so here at home, there were no more pacifists, no isolationists. The little ocean between us and the Nazi terror was not very wide anymore. People were beginning to feel that the time had come to help whatever allies we had and to be ready when the attack turned on ourselves.”

This reading struck so close to home, so familiar, as to be on our doorstep today. The rise of the US Neo-Nazi crusade and the face of fascism resides so close to home now but, unlike in 1940, there is no ocean to separate us from this unspeakable movement. It is right next door. Unlike those in the Waltons, many US residents do not stop midday or at any time of the day to listen to the truth. As the threat of fascism from the conservative right abounds today, it poses as the number one threat to our Democracy.

Trump, if and when chosen as the GOP presidential candidate, will certainly run as the dictator in a blue suit. And, true to his cowardly words, in his reign if given a second chance, he will continue to pardon his criminal friends, feed the rich, and put those who do not support him in cages.

As John Boy acknowledged this many years ago, it is time to be ready when the attack turns on ourselves – Americans against Americans.

The road to Trumpville proposes a dark dictatorial plan that-   

Fuels “Culture Wars” and normalizes discrimination

Uses the military in non-loyal states for his means of revenge

Utilizes the Insurrection Act to his benefit

Jails and executes political opponents

Takes over the DOJ and FBI

Builds new “Freedom Cities” on federal land with flying cars

Builds mass internment camps for immigrants

Launches “American Academies” that will ban wokeness

Eliminates disloyal media outlets, tries the executives for treason

Censors libraries, education, medical care, trans-gendered treatment and the right to choose

Takes a very scary “Quantum Leap” for this country and

Shapes a country that embraces his “patriotic values” and chaos

Knowing that a dangerous and repugnant Don has sworn to this, we understand that we are not going to sway his avowed Trumpers. His 25% have swallowed the Kool-Aid and will never change so do not waste your time trying to alter their “thinking”. Instead, it is time to listen, gather the facts, and answer the tough questions. It is time to Unite Against Trump with fellow Democrats and others who are undecided or on the fence. To be crystal clear –  

Yes, Joe is old but Trump is crazy. Which would you prefer?

Yes, Joe is old but Trump is a fascist. Which would you prefer?

Be prepared to address the rumors –

Yes, there is talk that Gavin Newsom could step in for Biden if he became ill before the election. And would that be so bad?

When we put all of this on the table, maybe common sense will prevail on November 5th. May the minions of us who are fighting for Democracy prevail over the fascist state of the Republican party. We think even political activist Grandpa Walton would have agreed to Unite Against Trump.

And speaking of the then and now, wouldn’t the right-wing cringe to learn that both Grandma and Grandpa Walton were both gay in real life!

Yes, while Will Geer had a male lover, Ellen Corby had a relationship of several decades with her female companion. Corby lived in Los Angeles in a home that she had shared since 1976 with a dear friend of 45 years, Stella Luchetta. After she passed away, they announced that she was survived by her “friend” Luchetta.

Now, doesn’t that once again demonstrate that even against the odds, anything is possible? So, let’s run with that thought while we suit up and prepare for our battle to save our Democracy Waltons style, as always, together. This is not a time to be silent!

 This blog is dedicated to Sandra Day O’Connor. An influential woman who broke ground for other women while making her mark on the entire world.

     Join 2gals4peace and Unite Against Trump

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