The Worst of the Worst

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For many years, Aaron Burr was considered the worst U.S. Vice President. Born in New Jersey, he shot and killed his political rival, Alexander Hamilton, in an illegal duel. He carried large debt and was eventually charged with treason. He left for Europe, returned to NY City, had 2 marriages – divorce and scandal ensued. He had a stroke and died broke in a boarding house in New York. Yes, this was our 3rd Vice Present Aaron Burr. Does his story sound familiar?

Experts say that you cannot run a political agenda that only represents the top. You must radicalize those at the bottom, those who have far less, so you can promise them more. And that was Trump’s doing. He built that bomb over four years and pushed the button on 1/6/2021. While he answers no questions, we take his toys away. Like a bad child, we expect that he will cry and continue his temper tantrums. 

Trump is a “sopath.” As described in a fictional tale by author, Piers Anthony, these are children who are born without souls, who will lie, cheat, rape, and murder to get what they want. This Trump child grew to be the most powerful person in this country. Let us today begin to dismantle his world and return him to the nothingness that he truly is. A sopath!

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