The Thug

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For those of us waiting for Trump to be prosecuted, found guilty, thrown in the slammer, let’s remember one thing, he has already lost. He is a lonely, unstable, sick man with friends now only at the bottom of the barrel, many of who have themselves committed crimes and spent time in jail. He is a forlorn person whose followers seek attention and reflect his personality and behavior. He is not esteemed by any person of class or true notoriety. Trump has lived his entire life sentencing himself to Hell by his own actions and there he will reign.

And for those who want Trump to be seen as another Jesus, another Jesus on the cross, so be it. Looking for a martyr, they follow their Jesus through muggings and crimes. They follow the hoodlum, the shell of a man, whose sinister eyes reflect only a burnt-out soul.

Go Fund Me accounts and $100,000 plate dinners will not save him nor will his pitiful pleas to his non-aristocratic followers save him. For him and his barbarous factions, this is merely another episode of a failed Trump show, disconnected from reality and certainly from any moral aptitude.

More concerned about his height and weight, fist raised, balding with fake “strawberry blond” hair, what is left of Trump is a mere carcass. Looking more like Alfred Hitchcock every day, there is not much of the person left there. Doesn’t it make you wonder what he smells like, covered in cologne to drown out the stench of a pathetic mafia sociopathic thug? Costumed in a blue suit and a blood red tie, a person who never got his hands dirty but has worked maliciously to ruin the lives of others.

Trump – a want to be elite who fell from the sky, a rising star on daddy’s back who was never anything or anybody. He remains an empty shell of a person – alone and unatoned – the carcass of a thug!

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