The Third Eye

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We were recently talking about our eyes and came upon the notion of a third eye. There is a theory that humans in ancient times had a third eye in the back of their heads that had a physical and spiritual function. As it goes, as humans evolved, the third eye atrophied and sunk into the pineal gland.

Today, many believe that our bodies are comprised of seven chakras and the most important one is the sixth one, the third eye. The third eye, which is the color purple, symbolizes enlightenment and is located between the eyebrows. If you can find it, you might find your clairvoyant powers or the ability to have an out of body experience. It is said that the third eye allows us to gain wisdom and to see the big picture.

As we were also talking about the Democrats at the time, we wondered if a third eye is what Democratic leaders may need. An out of body experience may be useful in helping them see how they stand with present issues and the fight for Democracy. Could we all benefit from a little meditation to help us all locate our third eye? Meditation is known for helping to clear negative toxins, channel energy, decrease anxiety, and improve concentration. By increasing our thought processes, the mind can work at its highest capacity, can refocus, and improve and boost clarity. Maybe meditation could help us understand why the GOP would be opposed to voting, abortion, and legislation that is vital for protecting our Democracy. Whatever it takes, be it meditation or something else, let’s go for it for it is time to rise up to keep Democracy in working order!

Democracy these days is like an old car that is half broken down in need of an owner who cares about it and is willing to do the work. As a noteworthy friend of ours recently stated, “The Repubs have outsmarted the Dems every step of the way… judges, cut-throat politicians, members of the Boards of Supervisors, etc. Dems play by the rules and nice, they (the Repubs) laugh at us all the way.” And boy is she right!

As Democrats, we need to step up our game in order not to lose big time. We could start by not being afraid of our own shadows. And, by realizing that Trump is just a minion who was the waiter who served this country a fascist meal. Let us get back to understanding that the basis of Democracy is voting. Let’s prepare to drive folks to the polls and stand in long lines to vote or send votes by mail and assure that they are counted.

We all might want to try to locate our third eye. It is apparently filled with foreknowledge if you can find it. Or maybe we can all collectively visualize a win for Democracy and the snuffing out of the fascist movement in this country. Boy, if it were only that easy!

“Leadership is action, not a position” – Donald H. McGannon  

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