The Swing of Things

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A reformed conservative, fundamentalist son of an evangelical theologian and now an outspoken liberal activist, Frank Schaeffer has proclaimed that the “American Taliban” is the present day threat in this country. He asserts that our domestic war is one of Democracy vs. Theocracy and is a war of religion as the evangelical party clings to their guns. Their attitudes screech of white reign, anti-science, pro-gun, pro-life, anti-women’s movement and embellishes domestic terrorism. The State of Texas yearns to lead in these efforts to control residents as they find themselves living in an anyone can carry a gun, vote-blocking, and anti-women state. Following Texas is Florida, and about five other states, that are also looking into the same anti-abortion bill. Behold the Hand Maidens Tale be true. Not surprisingly, the very states that want to control women‘s bodies have no interest in gun control or mask mandates. They just want to control, period! On top of that we have the anti-vax movement and the right-wing notion that vaccines are a government conspiracy to take over and monitor people. These people would rather take Ivermectin that they can buy at their local Tractor Supply Company. Yeehaw!

For those not taking the jab because they believe they will be “tracked”, may we suggest to them that their phones and Facebook accounts have been tracking them for years! We find it interesting that those who refuse the Covid vaccine and get sick from it run right to the hospital for care and then complain about the cost and the inconvenience. Jonas Salk, who invented the Polio vaccine in the 1950’s, would roll over in his grave if he knew that there was an anti-vax movement in this country today. And that Islamist militants and the Taliban opposing the Polio vaccine in 2015 and 2018 murdered those trying to give it, saying that it was a Western conspiracy to sterilize Muslims.

White Supremacy, Eco-Fascism, Neo-Nazism is the new face of the far-right wing evangelical movement now being called the American Taliban. Enter groups, such as the Accelerationist, who believe in real- world violence and reject political power through the ballot box. Add to these movements’ anti-democratic comments from representatives, like Matt Gaetz, who recently stated that the Taliban are, “more legitimate than the Biden administration.”  Elected reps like these are leading the way to a government that strips us of our democracy and embraces fascism. Fascism by design is known for believing that a life is lived for struggle and its dictates do not seek calm and peace. Fascist leaders are known for interpreting the will of the people and their political position is one of permanent war and heroism. Their followers are so weak, they need a “ruler” and many followers who crave heroic deaths.  

Considering the current circumstances, we find ourselves in a strange and interesting world. We must admit that these particularly frustrating and frightening changes have not happened overnight. Most things don’t. They creep slowly and eventually reach their goal. The stacking of the courts and oppression of women and minorities has been growing silently in some states. As with the Presidential election of General Eisenhower in the 1950’s, right-wing conservative and movie star, Ronald Reagan, and then grafter, Trump, these changes have been subtle and slowly building. As the pendulum swings, we see the progress that was made in the 1960’s slowly eroding.

But, like a pendulum at its peak, isn’t it time for things to level off and return in the opposite direction? Maybe we could jump start this by concentrating on humanitarian efforts in place of war efforts. Why not put soldiers in peace-making positions, plant a tree instead of putting up a parking lot (Joni Mitchell), and begin to value each other’s lives. All that it takes is having and using the energy to do so. We have made it too easy to kill and hard to love. And violence on TV and in movies hasn’t helped the cause.

As a kid, did you ever swing so high that you thought you would fly off the seat? We would suggest that this is where our country is right now. But, collectively, we can make the swing return to earth. As a country, how about we get back to the hard work of being grateful, generous, and kind? If we do, the pendulum may naturally begin to swing back. With the many challenges of the day, may we survive by appreciating what we have and the friends and family that we love and love us.

“It is always more painful to be a part of history than to read about it” – M. Shaw

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