The Rogue Wave

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If you are saying to yourself, “this is not who we are,” you are wrong. This is just who and what our country has become. A planned coup, a hanging noose, handcuffs, and hostages. This is where “he” has taken us, not down a rabbit hole but straight into the sewer of hell. As his scum followers broke windows and invaded our Capitol, we watched and worried where the Feds were and who was protecting our democracy, our people, and our property. Flags waving and thugs dressed in phony military gear suddenly took charge. While some Capitol Police were overwhelmed, others stood next to the scum bags taking selfies. This is just what we have become, led by a deranged individual who somehow was elected to the top job in our country.

Fed by lies, we now have large groups of disenfranchised, desperate people who believe that this election was rigged. Yes, they crawled out of their holes and found their cause, following their leader – a symbol of sick pathology, hate, lies, and pure self. With Trump’s low regard for others, we knew a day like this would happen in some form or fashion under this horrid Administration. Retaliatory aggression and violence are the hallmark of this sort of leader. With a grandiose and unstable sense of self, they steer others to do their dirty work. They created a rogue wave of destruction on 1/6/21 when the narcissist’s family and his deranged lawyer gave orders to the rioters to march to the Capitol.

On this day, the narcissist in charge used his white privilege and organized mob psychology to manipulate a throng to perform violence. Trump’s pathology is similar to the psychopathology of mass shooters who are said to develop from a value system that adorns a culture of celebrity, fame, and narcissism. Some say that media attention makes killers into celebrities. We say in Trump’s case, his celebrity status has allowed him to become a mass murderer. This is manifested in his lack of COVID response, the resulting deaths, and his call to violence and destruction.

Trump’s lure is seemingly one that many have not been able to resist. His promises of a sense of purpose and rise to fame are endless as many have followed him right into the sewer. His followers do not see his lack of empathy and his fragile ego that, if not stroked, leads to aggression and violence to any perceived social rejection or insult. This is evidenced through his constant demands for audience attention to fill his depleted narcissism and his need for recognition and acknowledgement of his mere existence. And we are sick of this!

In this President, we see a stunted man who has hypnotized his followers by lying and gaslighting. This is quite a skill that Trump has inherited and perfected over his lifetime. Are we angry? You bet we are as are many of you!  But the difference is that, with our anger, we are not going to break windows or steal anyone’s possessions. We are going to continue to work toward democracy in this country. We are going to continue to speak the truth and support others who do the same.

Just imagine if Biden/Harris had not won the election. Think of what we could have faced with four more years. Do not forget the day that domestic terrorists fueled by an unhinged President and his sick family and followers tried to dismantle the United States democratic system. Do not ever forget this day for it is our history and needs to be taught and remembered but not repeated. With any luck and hard work ahead, maybe we have hit our bottom. Rock bottom!

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