The Recipe for a Hot Day

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A sizeable, Saharan dust plume found its way to Florida this weekend. The sand brushed the sky with a dusty hue that buffered a bit of the intense Florida sun. All the way from Northern Africa, the dust was transported thousands of miles from its home by thunderstorms, cyclones, and high-speed winds. The Saharan dust traveled like the carnival adage, “round and round it goes, and where it stops nobody knows.” Weather advisories encouraged Florida residents not to take deep breaths and to walk instead of running…

July 3rd marked the hottest day ever on this planet. Followed by July 4th, 5th, and 6th. Those in the southern portion of this country can attest to this. Residents heeded warnings, like in a Sci-Fi movie, to stay inside as the sun grilled the land, much of which is now covered in concrete. Many of the trees that would normally absorb the heat and CO have been removed to make way for housing communities and parking lots. Not to be Debbie Downers but this is what happens when you Pave Paradise!

As the dust settles here and we can fry eggs on our sidewalk, we elected to also view the political climate. Well, today we are thinking, based on current Capitol Hill happenings, that in 10 years the USA could likely become a Fascist Nation unless we take these steps –

  • Balance the Supreme Court
  • Select sound candidates to run for political office
  • Elect future Presidents who represent US citizens
  • Ensure that Americans, especially young Americans, learn the importance of voting
  • And we must reduce gun, intimate and psychological violence, and increase our kindness quotient.

On a muggy day full of sand in the sky, it reminds us of the importance of preserving our planet – humans, animals, and plants alike. For if we do not, we will likely lose our planet status and morph into a star, a hot ball of glowing gases, called the Second Sun. We guess the heat really got to us this time!

The Moon is neither a star nor a planet. The Sun is a star. What will Earth become?

 This blog is dedicated to Dr. Susan Love, renowned surgeon and patient advocate, who dedicated her life to saving the world. (1948-2023)

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