The Presidential Debates

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The Presidential debates have started and the question out there seems to be where do we go from here?

Well, the first thing is not to get discouraged. Debates are designed to be vivacious discussions during which opposing opinions are stated, various views are presented, and some opposing disagreements may ensue.

The Democratic debates fall in line with what a debate is intended to be. Although, the first and second debates took two nights to complete, and the fact that there are so many women and men running on the Democratic side, could be overwhelming to some people. This onslaught of candidates can also be seen as a huge opportunity. A year ago, we were wondering who, if anyone, would step up to the challenge of taking on Trump. Today, we no longer need to ask that question and, truthfully, we would rather see too many candidates than not enough.

All of this excitement probably means that we will need to work a little harder to form our opinions on who will best embody our political and personal views but, also, which candidate can beat Trump. More than ever, this is a huge factor and, undoubtedly, a major consideration.

We will be watching as the horse race continues and our leaders emerge. As this change happens, let us remember that we are not only Democrats, Independents, some Republicans, liberals, straight, LGBTQ, or otherwise. We are people of all colors and cultures. We are kind and want to be treated kindly.

We are more than a community, we are humanity.

We are those who want to defend our Constitution, restore civility, and preserve this earth. We are the adults and the children and we are the present and the future. We are Americans. Just ask the Statue of Liberty!

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