The Junk Man

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We have gotten a lot of spam email lately. From curing toenail fungus to Russian brides, enlargement and shrinking our parts – none of which interests us. We think that this shows that there is a lot of junk in the world these days. There are people who have made a business of selling junk. Now, this is not your back-in-the-day junk man who rode the neighborhood looking for discarded items to make them useable again. This is real junk. This is, “you have won a trillion dollars – contact us right away” junk.

It is important to distinguish rubbish from the good stuff and to recognize the difference between what to keep and what to throw out. As we clean our houses this 2021, it may be a good time to take an inventory of what to save and what to discard.

As he begins living in the White House in 5 days, Joe might want to start by throwing out the practice of lying as the norm. Let’s get rid of cheating and stealing and applying rules to everyone else but to yourself. Let’s stop feeding the rich and starving the poor, killing those of color, and giving pardons to your buddies who were found guilty of crimes. We say good riddance to that junk. How about not worrying about the size of the shower head but rather whether the water coming out of it is clean!  

In 2021, if you want to go to church, go to church. Don’t just hold a bible upside down for 2 minutes in front of a church that you have never been in or prayed in. Let us start the year working like hell and playing as a reward, not the other way around. Let’s leave the Florida golf courses to the retirees and, specifically, to those now retiring to Mar-a-Lago.

Instead, in 2021, let us return to reason and hope and hard work together. Let’s believe in trust and kindness and that we all have souls worth saving. While we are unable to hug one another, let’s embrace each other’s hearts. Live your own life decently and share whatever you can.

Be the Change, Never Stop Trying, and Inspire Others               

And Congratulations to

         Joe Biden

      Kamala Harris

   Raphael Warnock

       Jon Ossoff

And to all of us who have hung in there during these incredible times.

       And remember Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on 01/18/2021.

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