The Joy of Chaos

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It is not something that we would want to experience every day but occasionally it may be healthy. It starts with opening your mind and, in this case, opening your closets and drawers. There is nothing like the reality of trying on your clothes, especially the ones you have not worn in a long while. For a guy or gal standing in front of a long mirror and doing this can be comical. No tears here please! The shirts and the dresses with that crazy pattern or bright color that is no longer you. And those pants that do not zip closed anymore. We like to ask how do clothes shrink while hanging in the closet?  Is it the same phenomenon as with the dryer that eats the lone sock – thought never to be found again or found a year later inside the arm of a sweatshirt you washed along with it?

While standing there trying to zipper those dearly beloved pants you realize that Covid-19 or just plain life has added some pounds to your derriere and its surroundings. Or maybe for other reasons, those pants are sliding off your derriere to the floor. Either way, they do not fit anymore. Whether it be for one reason or another, our clothes, if nothing else, teach us that life changes. Not only do styles change but our bodies change and our minds change as well. We find ourselves adapting to new circumstances and we carry on resilient once again.

In the words of Deepak Chopra, “All great changes are preceded by chaos.” If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that this is true. For those of us who made it through, we have an opportunity to grow and change. It is the rigid tree that snaps in the wind and the flexible one that blows with the breeze.

With skyrocketing prices, a crazy real estate market, non-vaxxers, the wobbling of the moon, and the price of coffee going up – we will all have to make our choices. Guess it’s time to put on those big girl and big boy pants and hope that they fit!

“Clothing makes the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.  – Mark Twain

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