The Harder They Fall

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Sometimes it is hard to write about the world. The crime, the greed, the lack of conscience, and the not-so-Christian Christians who dare to call themselves Christians.

Somehow, we must rise above it all and find the lightness of being. We must rise above the type of Christians who have created a God in their own image. We must rise above those who have found greed to be their new God. We must rise above the fact that there is a fringe group of people who are manipulating our country.

Yes, it is time to face such reality. For instance, with the State of Florida, it has been suggested that it is time to replace its flag with the image of Edvard Munch’s The Scream. This is particularly appropriate now because, as of July 1st, anyone in this State can carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Do not let the question of who will die first because of this law haunt you. It should haunt those who supported the bill, including the Florida Police Chiefs and Sheriff’s Association.

On another note, don’t let Humpty Dumpty Trump’s mug shot on his new $47 Not Guilty t-shirt that he is selling online haunt you either. Below his fake mug shot are the numbers 45-47 representing his term in the White House and his hopeful return. Yuck! We warn you that this image will stick in your mind like tar on your shoes. As will the image of Lindsey Graham wailing like a baby and begging for Trump money like a drunken Saturday night TV evangelical preacher. The Go Fund Me plea is sure to follow.

To get through this, let’s instead revert to our childhood days and thank imaginary author, Mother Goose, for her insight and let us borrow upon her theme.


Humpty Dumpty Trump sat by a street named Wall,

Humpty Dumpty Trump had a tremendous fall;

All the king’s Lawyers and all the king’s Men

Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty Trump back together again.

And, rejoice that there is something that we finally agree upon with Humpty Dumpty Trump. We, too, “can’t believe this is happening in America.”

If this is one of those days when you just need a place to run and hide for a while – go ahead. We’ll meet you there…!

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