The Grand Poobah

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The Grand Poobah Trump was supposed to be arrested this week and his minions are mad. Unhappy with the law, a few of them took to the streets crying and screaming like babies.

Grand Poobah Slagheap

Like in the carton show, the Flintstones, Fred and Barney were members of a secret society lodge where they followed the buffoon  named Grand Poobah. The leader, Sam Slagheap, “The Exaulted Grand Poobah” led The Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes. But, unlike fiction, and just as inane, are those following the Grand Poobah Trump. Grand Poobahs are haughty characters who take titles like Lord and Commander. It is a mocking title for someone with lots of self-importance and who exhibits an inflated sense of self.

                      Poobah Followers

Unlike a cartoon, during these past years, a shift in our country has created the period of the Great American Migration where those already in this country are finding themselves moving to red or blue states to seek asylum. Amid this American Cold War, we see masses of Americans heading north and south seeking their own kind. And, like most immigrants, they seek neighborhoods that reflect their culture and thinking. Some call these human social groups, “tribes.”

One sort of tribe is The Hollow 2A, a large development in Venice, Florida built by Republican businessman, Victor Mellor. Mellor, a former aide to Trump who attended the January 6 Insurrection, has designed a meeting place for the far right in South Florida.  Hollow 2A (the 2A stands for the 2nd Amendment) is the local home of the far-right Christian nationalist movement. It consists of Michael Flynn and other radical conservative groups, like the Proud Boys and Moms for Liberty.

Hollow 2A is self-described as “the place where Americans gather to lawfully take back our country. It works as a force to assist in connecting freedom loving Patriot groups.”

There, adults, and children can unite for their ultra-right conservative cause. The children can play in blow-up houses, then gather, as young as 6, to learn to shoot all kinds of firearms, long and short. It is the home of the “waiver mill” where 2000 mask and Covid vaccine exemptions were obtained for Florida school children.

Hollow 2A is where the adults can rally and prepare for their protest gatherings at the local Hospital or School Board meetings. Grand Poohbah’s, Mellor and Flynn, have spared no expense for this anti-woke space where families can meet and share war stories and plan their next social unrest. Comforting, isn’t it?

While we all work for peace and social justice, there are those planning for the opposite. This is not a story of doom and gloom but is just the reality of where people are these days and why. These times seem to be about tribes and where you can be yourself, whether we like it or not.

In the heart of it, it is good to own your own path and understand where it will take you.

“Great leaders think with their hearts, not with a gun”   – 2gals4peace  

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