The Ghost of a President Past

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As the Senate Impeachment trial takes shape, how timely that it has been reported that “Q Party” Donald Trump has had a long-standing, close relationship with Russia. It was reported last week that the KGB Soviet spy agency and, later, Russian intelligence cultivated Donald Trump as an “asset” for 40 years, a former spy told The Guardian in a bombshell interview. And the Kremlin was delighted with the results said former KGB Major, Yuri Shvets, who now lives in Virginia. The article reports:

The KGB and Czechoslovakian agents first noticed Trump in 1977 when he married his first wife, Czech Ivana Zelnickova, Shvets told The Guardian.

“For the KGB, it was a charm offensive,” he explained. “They had collected a lot of information on his personality, so they knew who he was personally. The feeling was that he was extremely vulnerable intellectually, and psychologically — and he was prone to flattery. This is what they exploited.”

In 1987, when Trump visited Moscow with his first wife, the Russians courted him and floated talking points with him. Years later in 2013, Trump held a Miss Universe beauty pageant there and had further developed business links that included plans for the development of the Trump Tower Moscow. How much narcissism does it take to need a tower in your name in every country?!

This not a surprise to anyone who has been observing Trump over the years and his political antics over the last four. Now we have seen that Republicans do not bat an eye at this sort of news. As the Q Party emerges, most have turned their heads or joined in with Trump’s misdoings.

So, as another impeachment trial begins, we ask how long does it take to extinguish a cult or to quash a dictatorship? Marx, Stalin, and Hitler were not brought down overnight. It will take some time because we see so many Republican House and Senate members on board with it. We can see that the old Republican Party is washed out and, over the last four years, has become the party of Putin and some have no problem with that. They have actually enjoyed having “Putin in the House.” 

Another shocking discovery is that many of those protesting the vote at the Capitol on Jan 6th had not even voted. And even more disgusting is that many of the protestors were active or former military service members. It takes a long time to infiltrate such groups and this only proves that this has been brewing for quite some time.  

One of our committed readers responded to last week’s blog and reminded us that we must remain vigilant going forward and he is so right. The entrance of the Democrats into power does not mark the end to the perceived coup. How we recall living in DC during and following 9/11 and how vigilant we had to be. This point in time is not much different but only in that the enemy is homegrown. The enemy may be in our neighborhoods, our offices, our military, our police and in some cases, unfortunately, in our families. This is not easy to say but we believe this to be true. As you look at the faces of those at the insurrection, in some ways they seem familiar. This is because they do represent parts of our military, sheriff, and police departments. And this includes dangerous political figures, such as “the QAnon lady” herself, Representative M.T. Greene, the new face of the Republican Q Party who laid in the shadows directing the insurgents that day.

No, it is not a time to let our guard down. It is a time to be vigilant and observant. It is time to remove the quacks from political office and immediately from any committees where they could make a dangerous impact. We must have the courage to continue to fight for Democracy. As shocking as it might be, we are still amid a sort of homegrown civil war. Similarly, Communism first grew when some citizens felt exploited and sought their own representation. After 40 years, we have much to try and replace and repair in this “Old House.”

We wish you patience and vitality. Keep an eye out and vote out those quacks! 

This blog is dedicated to Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, a soldier, partner, nephew, cousin, dog lover, and hero.

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