The Egg or the Chicken   

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Spoiler alert…this blog gets graphic. We are angry, feeling a bit defiant, and maybe going off the rails. Sometimes there are particularly difficult and appalling problems that we feel we must address.

As we see it, the dark ages are approaching, the world is spinning backwards, and the attack on women is becoming increasingly evident. Not only are the laws and rules changing but the war against women is now being seen at all levels of social media, politics, and even in churches.

The Atlantic reports that Elon Musk tweeted that he was going to inaugurate a new college, the Institute of Technology & Science, calling it TITS. The magazine also reported that the degrading of women is seen across all levels of media where women have been called, “dogs, big fat pigs, and horsefaces.”

Last August while preaching to his congregation, Rev. Bobby Leonard of the Bible Baptist Tabernacle in Monroe, NC preached these repulsive words in his homily. He uttered with his deep southern accent, “Women go into places with shorts…dress like that and get raped and I am on the jury, he’s going to go free” And later, “I’m right because a man’s a man.”

In addition to the Bible and liturgy being used as weapons so are the preachers who mutter the lexes of hate and repression, especially those pointed towards women as demonstrated by Rev. Bobby Leonard.

“Gross and disgusting” are becoming everyday words uttered in our home as we hear, read about, and react to this kind of rubbish. Hogwash, as it was once called!

HOGWASH = complete nonsense, lies, or ridiculous actions. Someone or something deemed worthless

Speaking of hogwash, in Alabama a not well-known anti-abortion advocate, Supreme Court Justice Tom Parker recently spouted his beliefs of the theocratic doctrine of Christian nationalism. “God created government,” he exclaimed on a local talk show. “It is heartbreaking that we have let it go into the possession of others.” As a Proponent of the “Seven Mountains Mandate” Parker sees the seven areas that this movement believes it can influence in society as family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government.

Not surprisingly, last week the Alabama Supreme Court classified Frozen Embryos as Children. Heading up the movement is the very own Christian Nationalist, Chief Justice Tom Parker, who boldly stated that, “Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God.” All of this at a time when Alabama children face a crisis in accessing childcare because salaries are so low that childcare workers are leaving to work at stores like Walmart and Target. 1 in 4 children in Alabama face food insecurity and statewide there is some level of hunger and poverty as Alabama is the fifth poorest State in the US.

Yes, Mr. Justice, as you deem embryos as people, what is your state’s commitment to taking care of children after birth? Frozen embryos in Alabama now seem to have more rights than those who are born and struggling.

Well, this is just some of what is happening in America today and it is just the tip of the iceberg. As we see some turning their heads in denial of freedoms and the abuse of women’s bodies and minds, we say shame on them and to all oppressors of women and men!

The “Embryos are People” ruling does raise some interesting questions:  

  • Does this mean that embryos can be used in human trafficking?
  • Is Sperm considered People too?
  • Does it mean that when men release semen without the intent of making a child, that they are committing murder?
  • Are women now considered incubators? Are there rights and privileges that come with the title?
  • Do we have to stop eating eggs – give up our scrambled and fried over easy because it disrespects chickens?

Much to ponder as the world goes insane and once again the question asked is which came first the embryos or the assholes legislating against them?


If you visit Alabama any time soon, know that a driver can now operate a vehicle in the HOA/carpool lanes with a dozen eggs in the passenger seat.

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