“The Chosen One”

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Trump is now calling himself “The Chosen One.” Ben Carson recently called Trump “Another King David.” King David, the once King of Israel, was famous for playing the harp while worshiping God and for killing the Philistine giant, Goliath, with a slingshot. So, the stories go on…imagine Trump playing a harp and shooting a sling shot. Why does, “You’ll shoot your eye out” from the Christmas Story come to mind?

By the way, it is also written in the Bible that King David committed adultery, tried to cover up the affair by killing the woman’s husband, committed several murders, and caused many deaths and illness. And at a time when Kings went off to war, David sent out his entire army and King’s men as he remained in Jerusalem instead of leading Israel into battle. Wow does this sound familiar! Ben Carson, you are the genius for opening your eyes to that comparison.

From our perspective, Trump is truly the “King of Chaos.” And it is time to make it clear that Trump is the anti-Christ and a repository of hate. As the right calls Trump their Orange Jesus, might they remember what Jesus did not do.

Jesus did not…

  • sexually abuse women
  • steal from the poor
  • run from the law
  • plead for money
  • cry like a baby
  • promote himself
  • try to overturn the government
  • try to be something he was not
  • and Jesus did not make a deal with the devil.

The political race in this country is down to Good versus Evil and the choice should be clear but for some it is not. For those Trump has bought or placed into power, they have made a deal with the devil and it is a deal that is irrevocable. But for those who can see the light of the truth, it is clear that a deal with the devil is a deal with a dictator.

Despite this, we are filled with optimism even though we sometimes find ourselves astounded by the volume of right-wing hate. We remind ourselves that we are fortunate to have the opportunity to spread good and work towards extinguishing evil. We have a chance to make our actions contagious as we work to have influence somewhere and somehow. We realize that most of us wish to be couriers of the truth in a good vs. evil world. And we have learned that those of us working for peace are connected by our joy and our grief and by our despair and our hope.

May you get a good night’s sleep tonight and wake in the morning invigorated and ready to take on another day of saving our Democracy. Wake knowing that in your heart and soul, you would rather be inspired by peace than devoured by hate. Wake each morning being grateful for another chance to do what is right for this world. Wake each day hopeful that a bit of the Martin Luther King, Jr desire for freedom and equality is channeled into your day.

  Washington, DC  August 28, 1963

            “I have a dream”

The Lincoln Project has made a great antidote to the gross “God Made Trump” promo ad. It is called “God Made Trump a Dictator.” It can be found on YouTube and we suggest that you take the time to view it and share it with friends and family. We are feeling more optimistic these days about winning this fight. Maybe it is time to laugh away Trump as we expose what a fool of a person he truly is.

       “God made Trump a Dictator and until you cast him down, you have failed.”   – The Lincoln Project    

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