Mama Says…

After writing this week’s blog, we read it over as we always do multiple times and decided to tear it up. It read like a history lesson about a racist Trump and how he resembles the racist George Wallace. The only difference between the two of them seems to be that Wallace was a Democrat! The blog detailed the White House directive of use of force by unidentified Federal storm troopers who denied peaceful protestors their First Amendment rights. And how, if arrested, they had to sign their First Amendment rights away by stating that they would never protest again. We wrote that several news media, photographers, and peaceful protestors have been maimed or killed by blunt force with plum-sized,…


2020 – The Year of Insight and Vision

As we coast into 2020, we find it interesting to explore the meaning of this number. With a little research, we found that the Hebrews called 2019 the “year to see the snake in the grass.” We thought how fitting that was! They define 2020 as the decade of “pey” which means the mouth or speak. They further describe 2020 as “a year to widen your mouth or zip it shut.” Numerology sees the 2020 meaning as focus, relationships, and pragmatism. They note that the number 2020 reflects teamwork and they have infinite potential. Regarding eyesight, 2020 is explained as having visual acuity and sharpness of vision. If you find yourself looking for a reason to fully embrace 2020, this…