As the World Turns

We have begun to understand that to be human is to be conflicted. The choice between doing and not doing can be a challenge. For example, the other night we went to a Chris Botti concert. We bought the tickets three years ago and the performance was cancelled due to COVID and finally rescheduled. It is the first time that we had ventured out into a crowded, inside venue in over two and a half years. We found ourselves conflicted on a number of levels. Was it going to be safe? Should we go at all? How would we feel once we got there? We decided to go knowing that the venue required all attendees to be masked and that…


World in Decline

It is hard to admit that our society is on a decline. There is so much goodness in this world but depravity is working hard to influence a takeover of the good. Our hearts go out to those peaceful people of Ukraine. They are victims of a Putin invasion with families scurrying to survive the Russian bombs outside of their homes. Friends and families have been separated from each other as crying children cling to adults for safety. Families are being torn apart and the pain is immeasurable. The acts of a vile man and the destruction caused by greed and power which is pure evil. In this country, we cry for Democracy as US states vote in fascist laws…