Bruised But Not Broken

There is an episode of the TV show, The Walton’s, when a zealous young writer, John Boy, in May of 1937 drives from Virginia to New Jersey to see the Hindenburg dock. His intent was to report the event back home. His enthusiasm quickly fades as he watches the horror of the airship exploding and going up in flames right before his eyes. Once jubilant, he returns home broken and in shock. He struggled to write about the event for his emotions overcame him. This is the nature of a disaster. Hurricane Ian is an experience that many lived through and an event that has taken homes, neighborhoods, towns, livelihoods, and lives. We are so saddened by the events resulting…


On to 2021

As the calendar turns, we look towards a new year. We revisit theimportance of quiet, reading, thinking, and imagining a new plan. We commit to exercise in the hopes of creating new nerve cells in our brains – the ones to replace those that we lost in 2020! Looking back, we see quite a year – of survival, resistance, and resilience. We grieve losses and celebrate survival. It’s a mix of emotions. Let’s think of the new things that have come out of 2020 that you will gladly take with you into 2021. The connections that you have made that otherwise you may have overlooked. The “Pen Pals” that you have bonded with and the time getting to know and…


Dreams or Reality

(A reflection from Maggie...) Andrea and I are now over two weeks into the distancing and isolation. A week ago, I awoke at 3am worried about the “supply chain.” How are we going to continue to get groceries and other needed items?! From a sleepy haze, I tried to solve this problem. Maybe this will be the rebirth and return of the American farmer. Having solved that problem, I eventually fell back to sleep. For those of you who aren’t “Preppers” (Survivalists) or don’t live on a functioning farm, you may be asking the same question. But hopefully not at 3:00 a.m. or at least we hope not. We do hope after we are on the other side of this…


Red Alert!

A Public Health Red Alert comes across your phone instructing all those over 65 to stay in their residences. Reminiscent of the old black and white Japanese Godzilla movies, we take to our tv to see what is happening. This is the world that we live in today. Inside is now safe and outside is risky. How quickly that has changed from the old “Mom rule” of going outside, get some fresh air, or you will get sick. Now, it is keep your distance and stay safe inside. If you are retired, you stay inside or, if you are working, hopefully you can work from home. If you work in the medical field, you are not so lucky. We have…