Whitewashing Over Social Justice

A rainbow is a multi-colored, circular spectrum formed by the dispersion of light and water droplets. It is an optical illusion that is not really in a specific spot in the sky. The appearance of it depends on where you are standing and where the sun is shining. You might ask, how does this relate to our world today? The importance of this is that what we see depends on where we stand. If you live in the Bahamas, how do you see your world today? If you live in flooded North Carolina or southeast Texas, how do you see your world? If you are living in a cage at the border, how do you see your world? If you…


Compassion Fatigue

You may have heard of this term in the health care setting. You might also think that these two words only describe those health care providers and family members who deliver care to those who are ill. Compassion Fatigue, also known as Secondary or Vicarious Trauma, is not exclusive to those caregivers. It is a condition that each one of us may be subject to during these political times. For a moment, let’s compare our bodies and minds to that of the workings of a car. There is a point at which a car must stop and fuel up or it will cease to run. Even electric cars need recharging after a period of time. A certain level of tension…