Save the Books

Maggie authored a book for young people called Rapt Stack Mountain a couple of years ago. It is about a single, mouse mother who bears two children, Happy and Harmony. And the story goes on, cute and meaningful for all ages. When she offered a copy to the local library, the book sat for review forever and was never authorized to be on their shelf. Gee, we wonder why. A single mouse mother, pregnant, no obvious father, and two wonderful mice kids that explore life from a liberal perspective. Not in Florida! Apparently not in Texas either as we learned that the Keller Independent School District in Texas has pulled over 40 books from their library shelves, including the illustrated…


DeSantis on the Loose – The Muting of the State

There is a joke that when the political toilet is flushed, it all flows down to Florida. So true and many vile politicians have already made it to Florida like the current Gov. Ron DeSantis. Little Donnie, as he is called, is backed by the “former guy” and has chosen to run “his” state like a Putin’s paradise.  His regime supports the irrational “big lie” that the election was stolen and, under his rule, the democratic system is under constant attack. This includes his flagrant attacks on voting rights, assistance for those in financial crisis, the freedoms of peaceful protesters, rights of transgendered athletes, and that of local governments' abilities to make their own decisions. Little Donnie lives and rules…