On the Road

We just returned from a retreat to the mountains of North Carolina. Escapes like these can be eye opening and enrich our lives. We  remember how easy it was years ago hopping into a car and taking off to the beach or mountains for a few days. Times, as they do, have changed. Bigger cars, more stuff to pack, busier roads, and a lot of people traveling everywhere. We found that highway driving today is a little crazy. Anyone that has taken a road trip lately returns with stories of near misses or just plain rude or risky drivers. Motorcycles passing us on mountain hairpin turns was like being in a circus where at points you hold your breath and…


Get Over It

As this summer launches, many of us will begin to wander away from home once again. Traveling can be stressful even at its best. Newly vaccinated and now experiencing the “coming out” from Covid, new adventures await. But, as we have been cloistered for over a year, traveling these days will more than likely be somewhat challenging. Are you vaccinated and are others vaccinated? Traveling now can tax your resilience, your flexibility, and your tolerance for being out of your comfort zone. The rental house or hotel, different food, transportation, and the interesting people whom you meet and who were once okay before Covid can now pose a dilemma. To mask or not to mask, to eat inside or out?…