And the Beat Goes On

The bowels of the Conservative Right are rumbling. In Florida alone, School and Hospital Boards are being taken over by those wanting their freedom yet denying it to others. The books to be read in schools and libraries and medical care to be provided are all at stake. A Hospital CEO is fired because he imposed a mask mandate during COVID. The mother and family of a transgender child must move out of Texas to Maryland to seek her child’s medical care. Teachers and Nurses who are “woke” or awake to racial injustice are leaving the deep Red States. States are being defined as red and blue while purple fades away. The revolution has begun and there are many on…


Are We Really Terrorists?

Last week, Mitch McConnell and his Senate Republicans, when asked by the press about the current happenings, swiftly walked away answering, “We are late for lunch.” All we could think of when viewing that clip was those who were not stopping for lunch as they protested the injustices in this country and those who are so impoverished that they could not afford lunch. Jane Elliott, an American anti-racism activist, asks in her training exercises, “Would you like to be a black person in this country?” and then follows with, “If you don’t want to be treated that way, why are you allowing it to happen to others?” She further teaches that racism is a learned response. We are not born…