Cortisol 101

If you are like most of us, your cortisol level has been abnormally elevated for several months. Only to peak on November 3rd, it has prepared you for emotional and physical challenges, the roller coaster rides, and the dips.  We realize that we are living through an extraordinary period of time. First, the 2020 man-made election and, secondly, close to a year-long, virus-made pandemic. Years from now, there will be movies and books written about both. It will explain how some survived these days and others did not. Cortisol has helped us move through this challenging time and is an essential stress hormone for our health and survival. But, like many things, too much of a good thing is not…


Saudade – The Missing Part

After another weekend goes by, we find again that we miss our friends. We miss creating an atmosphere in our home for friends to come over to eat, drink, talk, console, and be consoled. We miss the clatter of silverware and strangers’ voices at a restaurant on a Saturday night. We miss the beach with the smell of suntan lotion, surf, and music in the distance. We miss the mystery of a quiet library and wondering what people are reading or thinking about in such silence. We miss life and the freedom to come and go that we were all lucky enough to have known for our lifetime. We miss knowing that we can go somewhere even if we don’t…