Quietly Checking In

Sometimes it is nice to seek quiet, stillness like fresh fallen snow, no distractions, no sound, only quiet. For a moment we are doing just that and taking a break from the chaos and the bedlam to reflect on you, our readers. We have been remiss in not recognizing all of you for your efforts and contributions in working to save our Democracy and supporting each other along the way. We understand that each day, by your actions and/or by how you live your lives, you are making a significant difference in this challenging world. You live in Vermont, Virginia, Florida, DC, Delaware, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Canada, Switzerland and beyond. From all over, your efforts…


Pathway to Peace – Reversing Fascism Today…

As we look at what is transpiring in Washington today, we wonder if DC will ever be the same. Maggie is a DC native and we met each other in DC. We love the city but hope that it can recover from the current abuse and infighting. We do have hope that it will recover and shine and be that special city on the hill again. When Maggie grew up, Dems and Repubs lived, worked and played together. It was a special city that was a blend of colors from white to brown to purple. We were free to be and to accept that others may be different but that was ok, and it was encouraged. We were DC. Today,…


Compassion Fatigue

You may have heard of this term in the health care setting. You might also think that these two words only describe those health care providers and family members who deliver care to those who are ill. Compassion Fatigue, also known as Secondary or Vicarious Trauma, is not exclusive to those caregivers. It is a condition that each one of us may be subject to during these political times. For a moment, let’s compare our bodies and minds to that of the workings of a car. There is a point at which a car must stop and fuel up or it will cease to run. Even electric cars need recharging after a period of time. A certain level of tension…


Peace and Love and Everything in Between

Sorrow is not a strong enough word to describe how we feel about what is being lost in our country on a daily basis. We ask how can a country that was built on the name and reputation of the United States become so unraveled. It is becoming clearer and clearer that we are not united, that we are divided in our souls, and it is apparent that some people want it that way. The question is will “they” win? Will hate win over love and acceptance? And do you care? When we look back at the 1930’s, when hate went to war, the United States was there to stop Hitler, the rise of demagoguery, and those who supported it.…


Peace Continuum

This is our PEACE Continuum. We are focused on Equality & Social Justice as we believe in Equality for All and Living a Peaceful Life by: Connecting People & Communities Educating through writings to encourage peaceful outcomes Promoting Health Initiatives for People and Pets Addressing Climate Change So that our Children may Survive and Thrive While remembering that all Women Count as we operate in a Political Bipartisan manner And produce Comity = an atmosphere of Social Harmony.  


Why is Peace so important?

So, you might ask, why is peace so important? What’s the big deal? It is clear to these 2 Gals that without peace, we humans lose our harmony, our balance and eventually our humanity. As we frequently see with animals, disharmony leads to anger, territorial fighting and discord. In humans, it can lead to war. As humans, we have the choice to merely be human or to be humane. We strongly feel that we must add an “e” to human to foster and sustain a peaceful world. Without peace, it is difficult to grow and survive, if not impossible. So, we ask the question, why not peace? Human is what we are; Humane is what we can be; and Peace is what…