“The Chosen One”

Trump is now calling himself “The Chosen One.” Ben Carson recently called Trump “Another King David.” King David, the once King of Israel, was famous for playing the harp while worshiping God and for killing the Philistine giant, Goliath, with a slingshot. So, the stories go on…imagine Trump playing a harp and shooting a sling shot. Why does, “You’ll shoot your eye out” from the Christmas Story come to mind? By the way, it is also written in the Bible that King David committed adultery, tried to cover up the affair by killing the woman’s husband, committed several murders, and caused many deaths and illness. And at a time when Kings went off to war, David sent out his entire…


Orange Jesus

Many of Trump’s followers believe that Trump is the second coming of Christ and the “Holy Figure” anointed by God. We are starting to believe that he thinks he is Jesus. Isn’t this the “Orange Jesus” that recently told his non-supporters at Christmas “to rot in hell?” The reality is that Trump’s fake Christian nationalism’s only virtue is the use and abuse of religion. If you have seen Trump’s ad on Truth Social, “God Made Trump,” you were probably sickened by it. And, if you have not seen it and want to understand how Hitler is being channeled through Trump, sit down and listen but do it before dinner so you don’t lose your cookies. The promo praises him as…


In Good We Trust

We accidently turned on the wrong channel the other night and the Ohio rally came on. We watched for about two minutes as the ex-President spewed hate and lies while directing his followers in a Nazi like raised arms, one-finger salute. A narcissist who is so full of rage and, yes, fear. The basic fear of a narcissist is that of being found inferior. What we watched for those two minutes was pure fear of being found a failure. The ex’s rhetoric was full of judgement and insanity rolled into a raging ball of emotional fire. It was disgusting as were the people staged behind the monster. Do those people crave a leader like him so badly that they will…