Diversity – Equity – Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are the new principles to attack, to blame, to ban, and to criminalize. DEI is to be feared and hated. It is now to be blamed for a recent California bank closing as stated by billionaire and The Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus. He stated, “These banks are badly run because everybody is focused on diversity and all the woke issues.” Well, if that doesn’t make you queasy! How does he think he would have risen to the top as a Jewish man from New Jersey if there was not diversity, equity, and inclusion? What if Jewish persons had been blocked from the running for such positions? People like him have forgotten their cultural roots,…


Being Brave on the Road to Peace

Omaha Beach in Normandy displays a sculpture named Les Braves which commemorates the American soldiers who in 1944 found their rest and final peace there. Those soldiers were the face of bravery and courage. Resigned to keeping America safe and resisting the corruption in Europe, they awaited their fate, ducked their heads, and ran towards the beach where many lost their lives in that instant. They were young people who had full lives ahead of them but, instead, they held their heads up high and marched in to enlist and join the fight for freedom, democracy, and peace. They knew what was at stake and that this was the battle for freedom versus oppression. At Normandy and beyond, supported by…