In Good We Trust

We accidently turned on the wrong channel the other night and the Ohio rally came on. We watched for about two minutes as the ex-President spewed hate and lies while directing his followers in a Nazi like raised arms, one-finger salute. A narcissist who is so full of rage and, yes, fear. The basic fear of a narcissist is that of being found inferior. What we watched for those two minutes was pure fear of being found a failure. The ex’s rhetoric was full of judgement and insanity rolled into a raging ball of emotional fire. It was disgusting as were the people staged behind the monster. Do those people crave a leader like him so badly that they will…


Pardon Me!

The Law is wrong. Crime is right. Up is down and Down is up. Is anyone else feeling the strangeness in the air these days? White collar crime is okay and Trump is pardoning anyone that looks or acts like him. He even recently admitted that he likes and enjoys the chaos. We are sure that there is a diagnosis for this kind of behavior like Narcissistic Personality Disorder with Sociopathic traits. The Senate, in failing to do its job, has unleashed a monster of a President and has thrown this country into a hellish situation. Trump continues to stun America by implementing a novel rule of “do me a favor and you can do anything you want.” The lack…