Lord of the Lies

It is amazing how literature can predict and reflect real life. In 1954, William Golding wrote a gem of a novel that was a depiction of societal power and cruelty. The novel, also made into a movie in 1963, has been the eighth most frequently banned book in schools due to language and violence. The hailed work of fiction is filled with bullying and some pro-slavery ideology. It is a chilling story that was called a display of the dark side of human nature and was deemed to be fearsomely realistic. The novel details a crisis caused initially by war and a subsequent plane crash, leaving only a group of schoolboys to survive on a stranded island. Left to fend…


 Looking for an Oasis

A mirage is what you think you see. It is something that appears real or possible but is in fact not so. The word mirage comes from the Latin word “to wonder at” and the French word “to look at.” In science, a mirage has to do with the refraction of light on hot and cooler surfaces. A mirage is a deceptive appearance of a distant object and is an optical phenomenon consisting mainly of false images. Mirage sightings, as you know, are most common in deserts and we frequently see them on sweltering summer highways. Remember the old western movies or one set in the Sahara where characters struggle though the heat and sand and suddenly see a mirage,…