Good and Plenty

Maggie, from time to time, talks about her parents and how they went through the Depression as children. Her mother was not a hoarder but she was a re-user, particularly glass jars. It was an apt example of not wasting a thing and truly living the “waste not, want not” ideal of the time. A version of this phrase from 1576 was “Willful waste makes woeful want.” This saying is also traced back to a 1772 proverb, “waste not, want not. The less we waste, the less we lack in the future.” It was first noted in the US in 1932 in the comedy film, “Topper Takes a Trip.” Placards with this saying were frequently hung in kitchens as a…


Act of Kindness Endeavor

If you haven’t noticed lately, we currently seem to be living in a world where some people have chosen to always put themselves first and in front of others. Whether it is in the name of their family, their business, or their religion, this seems to run afoul of what we believe is truly humane. Those who call themselves “Christians” and defend an Administration that discriminates, supports white supremacy, separates families, and steals from others, does not make sense. We have grown tired of the word Christian because it does not mean what it was intended to mean. Pure Christian teachings are about love, such as “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and “Love your enemies, while also encouraging forgiveness.” Pastors…


Peace and Love and Everything in Between

Sorrow is not a strong enough word to describe how we feel about what is being lost in our country on a daily basis. We ask how can a country that was built on the name and reputation of the United States become so unraveled. It is becoming clearer and clearer that we are not united, that we are divided in our souls, and it is apparent that some people want it that way. The question is will “they” win? Will hate win over love and acceptance? And do you care? When we look back at the 1930’s, when hate went to war, the United States was there to stop Hitler, the rise of demagoguery, and those who supported it.…