My Guise is a Mask

Like many of you, we ventured out to the grocery store this week. It had been awhile and we had not really missed it. When we were kids and went to the grocery store, it was a fun treat. We recall that when we grew older and moved out of our homes to live on our own, we rediscovered the grocery store. This included shopping on our own and paying at the checkout! There was a certain sense of freedom about it. It seems that going out these days, at least in Florida, has become a bit of a challenge once again. We find ourselves well trained in mask cover up because now masks have become our standard “equipment” when…


An End and a Beginning

For four years, the American people have been lured into a world of promise only to meet those assurances with disappointment. No jobs and no vaccine but, yes, a wall politically built to further divide the American people. We are now left with a remnant of a second Civil War and a COVID health crisis. People are frightened and worried and are seeking comfort and resolve. Let us start a new day. Let us not follow our own reflection but begin to look at others and see and feel their pain. Let us all begin to heal. Sometimes it hurts being a part of history but, if we live long enough, we inevitably become part of it. Yes, we are…


Facing Our Crossroads

There is so much to say following this week and, at the same time, we are speechless. As the American people struggle to make sense of the past week, the whole world watched, as a country that used to be valued as the leader of the free world, seemed to go up in flames. “It may be a MAGA night,” Trump announced via tweet on Saturday which was an appeal to his base. Threatening tweets talking about guns and vicious dogs the previous day served only as an extension of Trump’s own impotence. Incapable of facing the American people as they called out racism, he remained in his safe bunker under the White House. On Monday, peaceful protesters, including clergy,…