Bring Back Comity

Comity = courtesy and considerate behavior towards others Over two years ago, we found ourselves semi-laughing about saying hello by knocking elbows. Today, on a more serious note, in the US we have lost over 900,000 to COVID, the young and the old and those in-between. It has created a world of unrest and vigilance in many ways. Things may seem a little shaky once again and more of a challenge due to COVID. Just when we thought we might have a bit more freedom, we find ourselves having to step back to keep safe. But, wearing a mask is easy but it’s the mental strain that takes its toll. Many in today’s world have taken to being greedy and…


That’s Our Betty!

At least there is something everyone can finally agree on, we hope. It’s Betty. Betty White was the picture of health and kindness, spunk, and a mix of classy nastiness. We all loved Betty because she loved life, she loved you, her audience, and her profession. She loved animals and she loved being alive and being human. She had a great run from 1922 to 2021. Who says the good die young? Not Betty! Betty was entertainment through and through but not that phony sticky stuff. She started out at age 8 on radio. She skipped college to jump start her career. She was a DJ at one point and even drove a PX truck for the AWVS during WWII.…


In Thanksgiving

This seems to be a good time of year to think about traditions. In times like these, it may be helpful to recall some teachings that we learned way back in grade school. The Corporal Works of Mercy is one of those ideologies. As you may have learned, it is a list of directives that have guided people over time towards kindness. The Corporal Works of Mercy remind us to Feed the Hungry, Shelter the Homeless, Clothe the Naked, Visit the Sick and Imprisoned, Bury the Dead and Give Alms to the Poor. During Covid times, these acts may become more challenging. Many are struggling this year with not being able to see their families and will have to replace…


Act of Kindness Endeavor

If you haven’t noticed lately, we currently seem to be living in a world where some people have chosen to always put themselves first and in front of others. Whether it is in the name of their family, their business, or their religion, this seems to run afoul of what we believe is truly humane. Those who call themselves “Christians” and defend an Administration that discriminates, supports white supremacy, separates families, and steals from others, does not make sense. We have grown tired of the word Christian because it does not mean what it was intended to mean. Pure Christian teachings are about love, such as “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and “Love your enemies, while also encouraging forgiveness.” Pastors…


Good vs. Evil – Again…

When I was a little girl, my mother would take me to her hair appointments at Anderson Beauty Shop on 16th Street in NW DC. Since my mother chose not to drive, we walked there together. She was certainly eco-minded before its time. The hairdresser’s name was Ruth as was my mother’s. My time was spent watching the scissors cut and the big hair dryers roar. The smell from the permanent waves is forever etched in my memory.  But more importantly was the sense of caring and kindness that engulfed that Washington, DC salon. Many times, I was sent to the upstairs apartment to play with Ruth Anderson’s daughter and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It was fun and,…