The Lone Ranger Rides Again!

We are growing tired of reading and hearing about the dysfunction of this Administration. By now, we all can appreciate the psychological theory that “damaged people damage people.” We are living this every day. Trump’s need and obsession to be rich, famous, and powerful has filled the last 4 years with abuses against at least 70% of the American people. The other 30% are either asleep or too damaged to see the light. Well, we have seen the light and it is the end of the tunnel for Trump. So big deal, five months later, 3 million cases later, 136,000 deaths later, Trump finally wore a mask stating, “I felt like the Lone Ranger.” The Lone Ranger you are not,…


Facing Our Crossroads

There is so much to say following this week and, at the same time, we are speechless. As the American people struggle to make sense of the past week, the whole world watched, as a country that used to be valued as the leader of the free world, seemed to go up in flames. “It may be a MAGA night,” Trump announced via tweet on Saturday which was an appeal to his base. Threatening tweets talking about guns and vicious dogs the previous day served only as an extension of Trump’s own impotence. Incapable of facing the American people as they called out racism, he remained in his safe bunker under the White House. On Monday, peaceful protesters, including clergy,…