The Junk Man

We have gotten a lot of spam email lately. From curing toenail fungus to Russian brides, enlargement and shrinking our parts - none of which interests us. We think that this shows that there is a lot of junk in the world these days. There are people who have made a business of selling junk. Now, this is not your back-in-the-day junk man who rode the neighborhood looking for discarded items to make them useable again. This is real junk. This is, “you have won a trillion dollars - contact us right away” junk. It is important to distinguish rubbish from the good stuff and to recognize the difference between what to keep and what to throw out. As we…


Need More Reason to Vote?

It is found in psychiatry, particularly with adolescents, that there are those who feel that the rules do not apply to them. Trump is no different. As Bob Woodward puts it, “Trump’s lying has helped to create his own reality. So, basically he believes that he is right.”  We think on some level, one might say, that this indicates a lack of conscience. This would be fascinating if not so dangerous.  We find ourselves 45 days from the election and struggling with this reality. It is a strategy of our current government who deems that lying is good and that controversy elevates the message. The reality is that our world, at the moment, is faced with the worst West Coast…


Apart Yet Together

A news commentator recently mentioned that, during these days, we do not have the luxury of making plans but only of having hope. During these uncertain times, we listened to these comments with concern and believe them to be true. Our plans for a summer trip to New England to see relatives and friends has been cancelled and we can only hope that we are able to go next year. Currently, it is difficult or seemingly impossible to plan a day around social gatherings. We find ourselves grappling with how to shape our “reentry” while staying safe. We have listened to medical experts and scientists and have grown comfortable cloistering ourselves away from people although it can be daunting at…


A Hopeful Stepping Stone to a New Era

As we make our way through this December, we ask ourselves what does this month mean to us? Certainly, it is the last month of the year in the modern calendar and its name comes from the Latin word “ten” which marked the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar. It is one of seven months to have 31 days and it is the first month of winter which those of you living up north can well attest to. December observes World AIDS day, celebrates Christian and Jewish holidays, National Cookie Day, and honors many more. Of importance is that it can be a month of reflection as it ushers us into 2020. At midnight on the 31st,…


Don’t Fall Back – Move Forward

100 years ago, in October of 1919, Adolf Hitler gave his first political speech as a member of the German Workers’ Party in a beer hall in Munich, Germany. In his second speech in November of 1919, hecklers were violently ejected. That year, he also wrote of the necessity of removing Jews from Germany. Following those speeches, the rise of the Nazi party commenced and eventually lead to Hitler’s rise in leadership. Along the way, Hitler attempted to overthrow the German Republic in 1923 during which he was tried and spent time in prison for high treason.  Following his 9- month prison term, he reorganized and reunified the Nazi Party and structured it like a government so, when he came…