What Makes A Hero?

As children, we were taught to never tell a lie. We have heard that if you start out telling a lie, it makes telling the truth a whole lot harder. If you lie for almost four years, it makes it even harder. In today’s world, we find ourselves searching for those who speak the truth and for true heroes. Yes, heroes who are admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, and self-sacrificing qualities. Let us look back at a true hero of civil rights and equality. Rosa Parks was born in Alabama in 1913.  Both of her grandparents were former slaves. In her childhood, she recalled frequent sightings of Ku Klux Klan members in full garb marching down their streets. She…


Steady as She Blows…

During these interesting and vexing times, it can be a struggle to put things in perspective. Sometimes it makes it easier to look to history for some insight. For some reason, we happened to think back to Greek mythology for some political enlightenment.                         As you may recall from Greek Mythology, there was an island that was occupied by Sirens. Sirens were sort of hybrid beings – women that were half human and half bird. The legend describes the Sirens as dangerous creatures whose sole purpose was to entice and lure nearby sailors with their enchanting music and sweet singing voices. As the fable goes, passing ships would clearly hear the Sirens’ song and were drawn in by its constant hypnotic…