President Boondoggle – the Swamp Master

We started this week with a cloudy and rainy day. It was akin to a snowy New England day without the shoveling and cold. It was a stay-in day for thinking and putting some words on paper – so to speak. These days our thoughts seem to drift to Trump and his daily tomfooleries. It seems imperative to keep up with his ongoing shenanigans. As of yesterday, Trump suggested that people ingest Lysol and beams of ultraviolet light to treat Covid-19. This was so ludicrous that the company that produces Lysol, based in Britain, had to follow up immediately with a statement urging customers not to ingest the product. Dr. Deborah Birx sat there withering as he made these statements.…


Social Evolution

Every big crisis brings with it changes to society. Covid-19 will be no exception. When kidding around three weeks ago that Starbucks may have to close, we had no idea of the reality of this watershed event.  As many of us sit isolated in our homes, we face immense changes in our daily lives most of which have cut us off from friends, family, and our sense of day to day normalcy. The new normal is not normal at all. It has been described as odd and strange and scary. With our lives apparently on the line, we live as if we are in war times and are fighting a bug smaller than the eye can see that could potentially…


Don’t Fall Back – Move Forward

100 years ago, in October of 1919, Adolf Hitler gave his first political speech as a member of the German Workers’ Party in a beer hall in Munich, Germany. In his second speech in November of 1919, hecklers were violently ejected. That year, he also wrote of the necessity of removing Jews from Germany. Following those speeches, the rise of the Nazi party commenced and eventually lead to Hitler’s rise in leadership. Along the way, Hitler attempted to overthrow the German Republic in 1923 during which he was tried and spent time in prison for high treason.  Following his 9- month prison term, he reorganized and reunified the Nazi Party and structured it like a government so, when he came…