Looking for an Oasis

A mirage is what you think you see. It is something that appears real or possible but is in fact not so. The word mirage comes from the Latin word “to wonder at” and the French word “to look at.” In science, a mirage has to do with the refraction of light on hot and cooler surfaces. A mirage is a deceptive appearance of a distant object and is an optical phenomenon consisting mainly of false images. Mirage sightings, as you know, are most common in deserts and we frequently see them on sweltering summer highways. Remember the old western movies or one set in the Sahara where characters struggle though the heat and sand and suddenly see a mirage,…


Saudade – The Missing Part

After another weekend goes by, we find again that we miss our friends. We miss creating an atmosphere in our home for friends to come over to eat, drink, talk, console, and be consoled. We miss the clatter of silverware and strangers’ voices at a restaurant on a Saturday night. We miss the beach with the smell of suntan lotion, surf, and music in the distance. We miss the mystery of a quiet library and wondering what people are reading or thinking about in such silence. We miss life and the freedom to come and go that we were all lucky enough to have known for our lifetime. We miss knowing that we can go somewhere even if we don’t…


Rise Up or Uprising

Late night drinking wine, texting/calling, going to bed early, tossing and turning, screaming at the moon, waking up much too early, making a plan and rising up. This is how some of our 2Gal’s friends have described their response after the Senate decision to not accommodate witnesses leading to the final vote and eventually exonerating Trump of wrongdoing. Prior to the Senate Hearings, we were convinced that the evangelicals were going to fulfill their biblical beliefs of Armageddon by taking us all to hell. Now, we are convinced that the Republicans have joined them. Throughout all of this, the 60’s song, “The Eve of Destruction” by Barry McGuire kept coming up, “Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of…


A Hopeful Stepping Stone to a New Era

As we make our way through this December, we ask ourselves what does this month mean to us? Certainly, it is the last month of the year in the modern calendar and its name comes from the Latin word “ten” which marked the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar. It is one of seven months to have 31 days and it is the first month of winter which those of you living up north can well attest to. December observes World AIDS day, celebrates Christian and Jewish holidays, National Cookie Day, and honors many more. Of importance is that it can be a month of reflection as it ushers us into 2020. At midnight on the 31st,…


Being Brave on the Road to Peace

Omaha Beach in Normandy displays a sculpture named Les Braves which commemorates the American soldiers who in 1944 found their rest and final peace there. Those soldiers were the face of bravery and courage. Resigned to keeping America safe and resisting the corruption in Europe, they awaited their fate, ducked their heads, and ran towards the beach where many lost their lives in that instant. They were young people who had full lives ahead of them but, instead, they held their heads up high and marched in to enlist and join the fight for freedom, democracy, and peace. They knew what was at stake and that this was the battle for freedom versus oppression. At Normandy and beyond, supported by…