Evolution or Regression

We have been scratching our heads lately trying to identify what stage humanity is in its development. Maybe a New Age or the Age Without Conscience would be a fitting title. We thought we would look back into history to gain some clarity. Since life began billions of years ago following the Big Bang, there have been “Ages” that separated the survival and development of living creatures on Earth. The Big Bang is said to define the formation of the Universe and later the formation of the stars and the planets, including Earth. As the theory elucidates, life on earth exploded with the evolution of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. One group of mammals developed hands, thumbs, color eyesight,…


A Tattered Democracy

Trump His People His Crime His Guilt It’s the End of the Senate Trial. Picture Mitch McConnell talking out of both sides of his chins telling one story, then another. Oh, sure, Trump is super guilty but it is too late to prosecute him because McConnell intentionally made it too late. What a loser! We have once again been reminded that you cannot find justice with a jury that is filled with accomplices. The Insurrection at the Capitol resulted in 140 wounded Capitol Police Officers, lost fingers, eye injuries, a heart attack, one murder, and 2 suicides. The mob event on January 6th has many officers, employees, and Representatives forever in mental turmoil and in a state of PTSD. As…