The Silent Exodus

The Facts - There are now around 64 UN member States that have laws that criminalize being gay. In Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the death penalty is imposed across the country. Uganda just joined other countries in criminalizing being gay with a penalty of life in prison. To note, no European countries have a law against being LGBTQ+. And now the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s top LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, has declared a state of emergency for the LGBTQ+ population in the United States. This follows the spike in “unprecedented and dangerous” anti-LGBTQ+ assaults sweeping State houses this year. What comes to mind when you think of an exodus? People fleeing Germany during WW2 or…


Jumping the Divide

With the deepening of the divide, we must work harder to be smarter, to be patient, to be kinder, to win. Years from now historians will speak of those of us who went through these times, some of us as crusaders, some as tyrants. We have chosen our side to crusade for peace and social justice no matter how tiring it might be. Those looking back may not fully appreciate how we worked day by day and inch by inch to achieve social justice and how resiliency won and lies and greed were defeated. And, how the power of words “trumped” the constant lies. Yes, it is easier to kill a man than it is to work towards compromise with…


Whitewashing Over Social Justice

A rainbow is a multi-colored, circular spectrum formed by the dispersion of light and water droplets. It is an optical illusion that is not really in a specific spot in the sky. The appearance of it depends on where you are standing and where the sun is shining. You might ask, how does this relate to our world today? The importance of this is that what we see depends on where we stand. If you live in the Bahamas, how do you see your world today? If you live in flooded North Carolina or southeast Texas, how do you see your world? If you are living in a cage at the border, how do you see your world? If you…