Florida’s Whitewash  

When Maggie’s mother was a young RN in Virginia, she was assigned to attend to an extremely ill patient. In Nursing, you do not get to choose your patients. Her mother found out that the man was a KKK member. Maggie’s mother attended to him in his final days up until his death. Her mother shared this brief story with her when Maggie was in Nursing School many years later. She disclosed to Maggie that her dying patient, in his final moments, had shared with her the KKK mission and his vow of secrecy. Sworn to patient confidentiality, she never shared that with Maggie but only that both existed. Our understanding is that the original Ku Klux Klan consisted of…


Feckless Leader

 (Feckless = lacking initiative, strength of character; irresponsible) The November headlines might well read, “Trump Leaves Office and Burns it Down Along the Way.” Four years ago, we took a leap of faith. We remained in shock for some time after the results of the 2016 election. Many believed that Russia was the reason for Trump’s win and that fact was later proven to be true. In 2020, expect a total revenge when Trump loses the election 18 days from today. This effort has already begun. As a person who does not know how to tell the truth, lying has become routine for Trump and his circle. Trump, in 4 years, has normalized hate speech, grown a vicious militia, and…