Breakdown Day

We had heard early on in the pandemic that couples were doing well with distancing and staying in their homes. Some felt even closer because of it. Those living by themselves were finding ways to connect on a deeper and wider scale than before. We were all finding ways to cope and people were adjusting. That was then and this is now.  Fast forward two months as things progressed. Cabin fever sets in, your hair grows long, and a familiar voice may suddenly resemble fingernails on a chalk board. This past week, we experienced what Andrea has termed Breakdown Day. Our Breakdown Day consisted of driving to the beach for a “day off” and arguing the entire 30-minute drive there…


Dreams or Reality

(A reflection from Maggie...) Andrea and I are now over two weeks into the distancing and isolation. A week ago, I awoke at 3am worried about the “supply chain.” How are we going to continue to get groceries and other needed items?! From a sleepy haze, I tried to solve this problem. Maybe this will be the rebirth and return of the American farmer. Having solved that problem, I eventually fell back to sleep. For those of you who aren’t “Preppers” (Survivalists) or don’t live on a functioning farm, you may be asking the same question. But hopefully not at 3:00 a.m. or at least we hope not. We do hope after we are on the other side of this…