4 Days to Go – GO JOE & KAMALA

Picture yourself as a race car driver, astronaut, or cardiac surgeon. Imagine their emotions, blood pressures rising as they prepare to race, lift off for space, or begin a life changing surgery. This is how we feel about this election. As we carefully filled out our ballots with perfect circles, our hearts raced as we deeply felt the connection with the potential of our votes. Ours, like everyone’s’ choices, could have implications for mending our Constitution, saving the Courts, defending our Democracy, addressing the Covid crisis, and restoring our dignity in the world. We appreciate that it takes time to research and vote on issues. And, it takes courage to work to safely move this country forward. This election year,…


This Is Our Moment

August has always been a favorite month. As kids, it was the last hurrah before starting school and it was warm so swimming and playing outside were the best. As we know, this year is a bit different for all of us.  Who would have thought six months ago that we would still be in the height of the COVID crisis? The pandemic has moved from an acute disaster of a presumed short duration to a chronic fiasco. Our homes, if we are lucky enough to still have them, have become our sanctuaries. As we can see, our friends and neighbors are fortifying and updating their abodes. Restaurants are installing UV lights in their AC/Heat systems to kill bacteria and…