Just a Theory

Sometimes we get tired of writing about negative stuff. Lord knows there is enough negative material out there right now but there are also good things happening as well. The Bans Off Our Bodies march is an example of one. Last week, we joined a few hundred women and men in Sarasota to march for a woman’s right to choose as many did across this country. Imagine in America having to fight for the right to choose. On so many levels, this has become our reality! Throughout our lives, there are times when we elect to take a position. We form opinions and we choose sides whether it is for a sports team, a cause, or a political figure or…


Coming for Us!

Tomorrow, May 17th, is a major Women’s March for reproductive rights in DC and in other US cities since the 1970’s when the Supreme Court heard Roe vs. Wade. A victory for Roe was called a landmark decision for women in 1973. Now, almost 50 years later, we are entering a retrogressive state in this country. By definition, a retrogressive state means returning to an earlier state, typically a worse one. This is a fitting term for where we sit and stand politically today. As the Senate voted this week to allow the banning of abortions and we await the Supreme Court’s decision, the fact that we need another “Bans Off Our Bodies” march is staggering. General Westmorland once said,…